Sunday, January 25, 2009

T Minus 2 days

That is right only 2 days left till I hit the friendly skies and end up in Dallas TX. I can't wait to get out of the cold and into the warm sunny TX. Well I have cleaned my apartment to make it sparkle as mom will be taking care of my 2 babies....okay their cats Martin & Molly. But none the less. I have spent about 5 hours, and lots of sweat to get the job done. Now I'm done, but still have to run and do laundry. I'm running around to get everything done before I leave for Texas.

"Let's eat and be healthy"


P.S. I will have pics from my trip posted in February, so stay tune!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Nathan, Pray you have a safe trip. I'm sitting beside DD#1's Brat Cat, lol. So its a grandma thing, and I know your mom will take good care of the "babies", lol.