Sunday, December 7, 2008

Eating Well Magazine

This magazine is filled with recipes and great tips that can help you throughout your journey. The best part of this magazine is that you can submit recipes and their test kitchen will lighten them up, so we can all eat them. Now how many of us have family traditonal recipes that we would love to eat but can't eat them because of the calorie count. This magazine is a lot bigger and larger than most traditional magazines. This magazine also gets into why you may like sweets, for example. One of the articles I read said that you may light sweets if your grandmother was a person of a sweet tooth person.

You can get this at $4.99 at the newstand or $14.97 for 6 issues per year.

I give this 41/2 stars out of 5 stars!

"Let's eat and be healthy"



Pamela said...

Thanks for the tip, Nathan!

bbubblyb said...

Sounds like a great magazine, I'm going to go take a look now, thanks.

GirlOnAMission said...

Hey Nathan! Congrats on your loss this week! You are doing an amazing job, so keep up the good work!
