Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 10 2009

Good morning everyone,

Well I was able to get up before 8am with the help of my dear girlfriend. We are in a long distance relationship as I have taken this new job in Indaina. She is working dilgently to be able to move out here, but she has to sell the house, and find a job. Not two of the easiest things to do in life. I set the alarm for 6am and she called me. It only took me 24 minutes to get out of bed. Not bad! I'm hoping that with me being able to get up earlier that I can get more accomplished at work, and will not have to stay as late. I go to work at 9am usually and stay there till 6 or 7pm. I know this isn't bad hours, but I'm hoping if I can get in by 8am then I will be out by 5 or 6pm. With winter/fall coming I'm trying to enjoy the gym membership that I'm paying for. The dilemma is that when I don't get home till 63o-730pm and I have to make dinner and what not then I don't want to work out that late. I certainly don't want to be eating dinner at 10pm-11pm. Yikes.

Well off to get ready for work!

Let's eat and be healthy!


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